Several corporate and system failures and an increasingly complex regulatory environment have sharpened the focus on good governance in recent years. In response, we have stepped up our research into what makes boards effective, how they are developed, and how their expectations and responsibilities have increased.

We help clients improve the collaboration between management and the Board by, for example, facilitating strategic discussions. We understand that an active board of directors has a better understanding of where an organisation creates value, the potential risks, and their strategy. These boards evaluate resource allocation; embrace robust feedback; debate alternative strategies; Assess trends and uncertainties and discuss where the value will be created management.

When we engage with board clients, our goal is to empower them to achieve step-changes in their effectiveness, performance and in the value, they create for their organisations so that average boards become effective over time and effective boards become high-performing.

We also work closely with high-performing boards to support them in continually improving their performance using the following approaches:

  • Collaborate with the Board to build a dynamic board agenda that explicitly highlights these forward-looking activities and ensures that they get sufficient time over a 12- 36 month period.
  • Board Evaluation geared towards driving a measurable plan of sustained improvement in the Board’s performance with a focus on the value it adds on the organisation.
  • Board Governance focused on gaining assurance that your culture, governance and operating framework and arrangements are sufficiently sophisticated and robust to support success.
  • We collaborate with boards to develop robust and effective capabilities geared towards shaping the direction of their organisations to succeed in a volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous landscape.
Mulshid Eleas Muwonge, Jr.
Chairman and Managing Partner
Michael Owen Bamulangeyo