Strategic Planning requires the need to reconcile the pressure for short-term returns with long-term strategic goals, and for most organisations, it’s challenging to build the capabilities needed to execute strategies.

We help organizations strengthen their strategy-development processes, make better decisions, and then act on them. We can assist clients with solutions to specific issues or design a whole new approach to strategic management and planning.

Our approach focuses on the following elements:

  • Identifying a broad coalition of key stakeholders relevant to the strategic planning process, including the board of directors, management, key staff members and beneficiaries, among others.
  • Facilitating idea harvesting workshops geared toward setting the direction needed to create sustainable change.
  • Working with management teams to examine the fundamental approaches for navigating today’s volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous landscape. At the end of this process, our clients have a common understanding of their long term goals and corresponding midterm aspirations.
  • Developing a carefully calibrated Plan of Action which cascades the different stages of the implementation process and costs attached to each phase of implementation.
  • Identifying and defining capability requirements necessary for the successful execution of the strategic plan, including the assignment of initiative owners to various segments of the strategic framework.
  • Providing retainer support for adjusting the strategic plan to current and future market trends.
Mulshid Eleas Muwonge, Jr.
Chairman and Managing Partner
Michael Owen Bamulangeyo