Performance management lets leaders involve, as individuals and as part of a group, in improving organizational effectiveness—as they all work to accomplish an  organization’s strategic agenda. We help leaders provide leadership, review results, diagnose problems, and set goals and expectations. We guide clients to embed agile ways of working and continuous improvement at scale through management systems, culture, and building capabilities, such as lean management programs.

With our intervention, our clients are able to:

  • Develop clear position descriptions that outline responsibilities, performance expectations and individual accountability expectations.
  • Develop a process that fairly, honestly and effectively provides specific feedback to employees so they can take action.
  • Change organizational culture from one that dreads performance reviews to one that uses them effectively—as coaching tools to continually enhance performance
Mulshid Eleas Muwonge, Jr.
Chairman and Managing Partner
Michael Owen Bamulangeyo
Cori Arudi Laura
Associate Consultant